射手VS天蝎转(真爱就会长久)射手遇见自己真正喜欢的人,其实是相当沉默和安静的。他们天生不安分的灵魂,害怕为了某个人而停留,害怕为了所谓爱情失去至为宝贵的自由,所以他们在与喜欢的人愉悦交往时,会突然消失的无影无踪。他们往往利用这个时间,静静的思考,也是在考察自己对象的反应。假如射手遇见的是天蝎,那么需要安全感的天蝎不可能令射手满意。 射手座喜欢制造快乐,喜欢轻松的交往。自己的烦恼和不愉快的事,不愿意带给别人,典型的“把悲伤留给自己”。人们对射手的印象是很快乐,很没心没肺,不需要任何安慰。其实射手的内心很脆弱,在人群散去之后,害怕孤独的射手总是最孤独的那一个。射手在塔罗里对应的是“节制”,意思是追求平衡,拒绝任何极端的事物和感情,他象一缕和煦的清风,自由自在的飘荡。
天蝎座最不拒绝眼泪和悲伤,他们往往给人的印象是很脆弱,很需要关怀,其实这只不过是一种假象,天蝎非常善于自我调整。射手珍惜的人,喜欢的人,会终生认定对方,包容对方的缺点,善良的射手总是为自己找到更多原谅对方的理由。你会经常发现一个射手,仿佛对曾经交往的不快忘得一干二净,继续把快乐带给你。其实射手心里很受伤,他的天性是快乐和坚强,珍惜和包容。天蝎座珍惜的人,喜欢的人,是在某个特定阶段。天蝎总是善于发现对方的缺点,害怕受到伤害的天性往往使他们一旦遭遇不愉快,会释放自己的毒针,狠狠地刺对方。其实那些刺,是伤对方,更伤的是自己。天蝎在角落里,宁愿一边受伤一边因为可能伤到对方,而暗暗欣慰。 射手座真正爱一个人,是一生一世的,会变得不再象射手,即使他们不能与自己所爱的人在一起,也会默默地祝福对方,能看到自己爱的人快乐,是射手最大的心愿。射手座的内心象个孩子,天真活泼。他们调皮,他们看上去不可靠,他们天马形空,今天在这,明天在那。他们仿佛不需要任何人惦记,他们不喜欢承诺和任何形式上的规则,他们不给人安全感,他们自大,他们从来吝于说甜言蜜语。有意思的是,被射手喜欢的人,都会认为射手根本不在乎自己,甚至讨厌自己。
射手,这是你们最大的悲哀! 有谁真正了解过射手?谁又能了解射手?外表快乐的射手,注定是孤独的。他们始终在寻觅真正的知己,他们喜欢内心坚强、成熟的人,他们最需要朋友的挂念和关心,他们需要别人给他们安全感,他们更需要别人的承诺,他们需要喜欢的人说甜言密语。当你做了这一切,射手就会很感动,从心里认定你这个天蝎男朋友。
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
爱是一种奇怪的东西,忽闪忽灭间的深刻,成长在彼此心里.最美丽的故事没有结局,最浪漫的感情没有归宿,最幸福的爱情没有言语,最深刻的喜欢没有空间!爱情也不完美,但是却有彼此心灵间的默契.让彼此感受到,爱在滋长!“我爱你”也就不那么空空的了!想你是一种甜蜜的忧伤,想你是一种酸涩的期待,想你是一种幸福的惆怅,想你是一种矛盾的向往!思念也不完美,但是思念却是一种迷离的希望!让彼此更明白彼此是控制不了的牵挂!记得有句话``因为想一个人而寂寞.因为爱一个人而温柔.但是`还好,寂寞的时候我可以想你!温柔的时候因为有一个梦需要执着而坚强.其实,有你,真好!爱是一种付出,即使痛苦也会觉得甘愿.爱是一种直着,即使心碎也会觉得无悔.我不知道是不是所有人都会为用生命去保卫自己的爱情!但是我相信爱情的力量!有些时候,爱`真的说不出来!有些时候,爱`就是望着你忽然泪留满面!所以`你要原谅!如果我说不出那句“我爱你”,不是我不爱你!而是我真的很爱你!爱到只听的到自己的心跳!所以`你要理解!当我望着你莫名其妙流下眼泪,不是你做错什么,不是我无理取闹!是我真的很爱你!爱到看着你也可以掉下幸福的眼泪!所以你要抱着我!因为我真的很怕失去你!如果我总缠着你,请不要说我不乖!请不要对我生气!因为我真的很珍惜和你的每分每秒!哪怕明明相隔两地`哪怕只是在电话中相聚!因为在乎每一次小小意义上的分离!如果我不会总缠着你,请不要以为我舍得和你说再见了!你不懂我那一瞬间的失落,是多么想伸出手去抓住你!你要明白正是为了爱,才悄悄的收起对你的依赖!也许有一天我们都会埋怨!也许有一天我们都会犯错!也许有一天我们都会忽视今天的诺言!也许有一天我们也会吵架!...我们来做个约定好吗?约好即使吵架也不可以不接听彼此的电话!约好即使吵架也不可以不好好照顾自己!约好即使吵架也不可以轻易说分手!约好即使吵架也不可以伤害自己!约好即使吵架也不可以错过了...约好,吵架的时候告诉自己:错误是短暂的,错过却是永远遗憾的...爱情`有时候很脆弱!脆弱到容不下一点点沙!爱情`有时候很顽强!顽强到什么也分不开相爱的人!如果有一天,我们不在任性的不理会一切!如果有一天,我们不在要求时时都粘在一起!如果有一天,我们不在傻傻的看着对方微笑!如果有一天,我们不在不理会柴米油盐!如果有一天,我们不在是任性的两个小孩!如果有一天,我们习惯了彼此埋怨...请不要说“分手吧,祝你快乐!”因为这一天更应该说 “我们结婚吧,让我照顾你一辈子”。。。
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Cherish my love, my life
曾经被他爱, 没有去珍惜那个爱你的人...导致我们有了沮丧,会有失望,经过了这阶段我们才会发现珍惜身边的一切很重要...曾经失去,曾经伤害,曾经得不到, 拥有的原来比失去的更多。所以要珍惜将来的爱, 珍惜友情,珍惜所有身边的人。一切随缘。我一定会珍惜。
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
KELLY~ PinGirl
~About myself~
K- Kindness- to everyone of peoples
E- Elegant- to personal
L- Leisurable- to expose
L- Lifestyle- to everyone of peoples
Y- YES to the goal of success.
I would like to do what i want to do, no one can control my lifestyle.
some people say i am smart and some people say i am stupid too, but i know myself, i do not care people saying about me now.
I would like to share my story, share to the right person.
I am socialise, i like to mix with friends, never abandon my fellow friends, i like to know more new friends... Therefore, friendship is very important to me.
I love someone, the someone can always bring me without cry, the someone can understand me. I don't like my loves always get argue, I don't like people to control what i doing, because i will control of myself.
I don't like people to say i'm a big woman, because i am not.
I'm not very like to stick with who i love, include family. But this relationships always stick in my heart.
I don't like to show then i will keep low profile.
people who misunderstand me, i'm just an innocern,
If that something shows that i'm wrong, i will always glad to change it, then to right of change.
If that something shows that is blamming me, cheating me, i would never give up, will let the person know the return.
I will thanks to the person who comment me.
I will thanks to the person who tell about me.
~My ways~
Past tense i got a lot of hurts, future tense i will get a lot of benefits.
Walk alone to the right place, the distance the choice of benefits.
Think to the future, drive to the fortune, benefits.
Put down all the sadness. refresh the happiness, return to the new life to gain benefits.
My loves My souls My pleasure....
~Kelly t.p.s.~
K- Kindness- to everyone of peoples
E- Elegant- to personal
L- Leisurable- to expose
L- Lifestyle- to everyone of peoples
Y- YES to the goal of success.
I would like to do what i want to do, no one can control my lifestyle.
some people say i am smart and some people say i am stupid too, but i know myself, i do not care people saying about me now.
I would like to share my story, share to the right person.
I am socialise, i like to mix with friends, never abandon my fellow friends, i like to know more new friends... Therefore, friendship is very important to me.
I love someone, the someone can always bring me without cry, the someone can understand me. I don't like my loves always get argue, I don't like people to control what i doing, because i will control of myself.
I don't like people to say i'm a big woman, because i am not.
I'm not very like to stick with who i love, include family. But this relationships always stick in my heart.
I don't like to show then i will keep low profile.
people who misunderstand me, i'm just an innocern,
If that something shows that i'm wrong, i will always glad to change it, then to right of change.
If that something shows that is blamming me, cheating me, i would never give up, will let the person know the return.
I will thanks to the person who comment me.
I will thanks to the person who tell about me.
~My ways~
Past tense i got a lot of hurts, future tense i will get a lot of benefits.
Walk alone to the right place, the distance the choice of benefits.
Think to the future, drive to the fortune, benefits.
Put down all the sadness. refresh the happiness, return to the new life to gain benefits.
My loves My souls My pleasure....
~Kelly t.p.s.~
My diary 2
Today (7/04/2010) i learn quite alot of things, i learnt my confidence to expose more on myself, the preparation of what i prepare of, I learnt how to manage my time, my feeling goes on, i learnt the globalisation of MOE, Multinational strategy of Performance management. I also learnt which i should do, who i should love of. I learnt what should i need to do, must do and do not need to do...
Once i cry, always make me thinking few of question> Why i cry? why i do this? where do i go to? when can be done of my success or target? who knows me well? what i done before? goes wrong or goes to right? all is suround in my mind...
I want to expose myself but you think inlogical ways,
I want you know there has no one to disturb between us, just you think over and over,
I want to be happy, but i am trying to be happy and get back my happiness life,
I want to watch movie with you, but i'm seriously not purposely reject the plan,
I want to see you, but i dunno how to face you, because i will teared when i see you,
I am inviting you but not because of other people, it is the time management corrupted.
I want to success my dream, but do you know how many dreams i have?
You say people are using me only to do what they need,
You say people are blocking us,
You say people are making trouble in between you and me,
I can manage myself, I can know myself who are using me, I can know i can see who are disturbing me, who are serious and who are play fool around, i can know who are making trouble me...
Become a model is my right to expose myself to drive to the success goal.
I want to be, Become a business woman need to do alot of things, such as important for good exposure, management, preparation, practice learning for experiences, think of positive ways, Non-negatives ways, think of the 5W and 1H, confidential for own, good challenges, and balancing all i faced.
I want to be a good socialities, relationships, and friendships. There is the same what or who do you want to become as!
Once i cry, always make me thinking few of question> Why i cry? why i do this? where do i go to? when can be done of my success or target? who knows me well? what i done before? goes wrong or goes to right? all is suround in my mind...
I want to expose myself but you think inlogical ways,
I want you know there has no one to disturb between us, just you think over and over,
I want to be happy, but i am trying to be happy and get back my happiness life,
I want to watch movie with you, but i'm seriously not purposely reject the plan,
I want to see you, but i dunno how to face you, because i will teared when i see you,
I am inviting you but not because of other people, it is the time management corrupted.
I want to success my dream, but do you know how many dreams i have?
You say people are using me only to do what they need,
You say people are blocking us,
You say people are making trouble in between you and me,
I can manage myself, I can know myself who are using me, I can know i can see who are disturbing me, who are serious and who are play fool around, i can know who are making trouble me...
Become a model is my right to expose myself to drive to the success goal.
I want to be, Become a business woman need to do alot of things, such as important for good exposure, management, preparation, practice learning for experiences, think of positive ways, Non-negatives ways, think of the 5W and 1H, confidential for own, good challenges, and balancing all i faced.
I want to be a good socialities, relationships, and friendships. There is the same what or who do you want to become as!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
一段重深的感情,你说我们的爱像断掉的和弦乐, 不够动听,不够经典…我也努力过改变,可是得到的是没有结果…而我用力为你唱一首歌,却忽然被你切歌; 在这歌词与我如同,心里够曲折,多么的适合!我只想说我会记得你曾是我最爱的情歌!
活在这个世界上让我出现了许多的烦恼, 每次都无忧无虑,自由自在的日子也会操烦。一个伴侣缺乏了信任和尊敬是很难结成一对,相信一个人很容易,但是是否对方也会相信呢?假如一个青绿,连他身边的朋友也都不相信, 那也代表本人说的话都不相信了吧?互相信任感情也会长久。
有时候遇到某些事情会让我矛盾,有时候想要你的关心与关怀但却得不到。 外面下雨了,我也流泪了,人生死活,雨夜抱着关怀给与我们。我想要你的关怀关注但您只会想那人不是你而是别人。虽然这段感情是一只藕断丝连,为何放弃何方,只能思念着对方默默想念,把当成一件最难过的回忆,喜怒哀乐只能停留在这回忆时刻。每一天的哭泣每一滴的泪水也都成了每一天的记忆,不舍得的您,消失在我眼前的你,见都变成回忆。盲目的爱情就好像一种矛盾的病,能够相爱的但却不能够在一起, 你却想要得到的但却偏偏得不到在您手中。。跟你一起走了不长久,时间也会改变了我们,你让我成长你让我更加经历了许多好坏。可能我没有好好去珍惜这快乐的时光,赵成许多的难过与悲伤。痛着哭泣多在房里。
今天过了就是明天还是明天,一天一天的日子过去了,还能重逢吗?还能倒回吗?只好向前走,走到更远更好的路,追求需要的梦想和目标, 虽然我的目标越离越近了,就把握这个时段机会来达成我目标。
活在这个世界上让我出现了许多的烦恼, 每次都无忧无虑,自由自在的日子也会操烦。一个伴侣缺乏了信任和尊敬是很难结成一对,相信一个人很容易,但是是否对方也会相信呢?假如一个青绿,连他身边的朋友也都不相信, 那也代表本人说的话都不相信了吧?互相信任感情也会长久。
有时候遇到某些事情会让我矛盾,有时候想要你的关心与关怀但却得不到。 外面下雨了,我也流泪了,人生死活,雨夜抱着关怀给与我们。我想要你的关怀关注但您只会想那人不是你而是别人。虽然这段感情是一只藕断丝连,为何放弃何方,只能思念着对方默默想念,把当成一件最难过的回忆,喜怒哀乐只能停留在这回忆时刻。每一天的哭泣每一滴的泪水也都成了每一天的记忆,不舍得的您,消失在我眼前的你,见都变成回忆。盲目的爱情就好像一种矛盾的病,能够相爱的但却不能够在一起, 你却想要得到的但却偏偏得不到在您手中。。跟你一起走了不长久,时间也会改变了我们,你让我成长你让我更加经历了许多好坏。可能我没有好好去珍惜这快乐的时光,赵成许多的难过与悲伤。痛着哭泣多在房里。
今天过了就是明天还是明天,一天一天的日子过去了,还能重逢吗?还能倒回吗?只好向前走,走到更远更好的路,追求需要的梦想和目标, 虽然我的目标越离越近了,就把握这个时段机会来达成我目标。
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